Developer Velocity Assessment

DevOps investments that not pay off optimally? Launching a new service or product takes months? Innovation remains difficult?

During our Developer Velocity Assessment, we assess your application team(s) on the four most important elements that can improve the performance of your DevOps: lead time, implementation frequency, failure rate and recovery time.


I want to book an assessment

I want to book an assessment

What does the assessment entail?

  • Kick-Off: during a kick-off call of one hour, we gather all stakeholders and discuss the scope of the assessment and determine the maturity level of your team.
  • Assessment: our expert comes to visit and talks face-to-face with a number of key persons about the current approach, possible challenges, vision, etc.
  • Report: we are writing an extensive report with our findings, which can be used afterwards as a basis for taking further steps and further improving the maturity in the field of DevOps.
  • Presentation: we present the most important results from our report face-to-face to the gathered stakeholders and give concrete advice for the future.


What are the deliverables?

  • Developer Velocity Index Score: a score based on an industry standard developed by the well-known consulting firm McKinsey.
  • Assessment Report: This report contains all our findings and recommendations based on the face-to-face conversations with the key figures in your team.
  • DevOps Roadmap: a clear roadmap with concrete and practical steps to improve your turnaround time, implementation frequency, failure rate and recovery time.


What are the costs?

We use a fixed price of 1,500 euros.